Pockets in My Soul
Published Stories

Maryla Neuman, who survived a Polish ghetto, two prisons and two concentrations camps, has prepared a memoir. We worked together as she told me her stories, I asked questions and wrote Maryla’s experiences. The final effort is an “as told to” book.

The first time I met Maryla she summarized her history. She also told me about the rich life she is now leading while in her 80s. I noted, “After all your troubles you’ve survived and have become a productive ‘mensch.’” “Yes,” she agreed, “but I have pockets in my soul.” That phrase became the title of the book. The book is available on Amazon.com.

Four of our stories were published separately. One can be accessed by clicking on its web address. The other three are printed in PDF format and hot links will lead you to the prose.

• “Dressing for Conformity” (as told to Fred Amram), Kurier Polski, June 2011.

• “The Price of a Shmatte” (as told to Fred Amram), Marking Humanity, (Edited by Shlomit Kriger) Toronto: Soul Inscription Press, 2010 (reprinted in two installments as "The Price of a Rag" in Kurier Polski, December 2010 & February 2011).

• “Bye Bye, Daddy” (as told to Fred Amram), Marking Humanity, (Edited by Shlomit Kriger) Toronto: Soul Inscription Press, 2010 (reprinted in Kurier Polski, September 2010).

• “My Meeting with Mengele” (as told to Fred Amram), Whistling Shade (Literary Journal), Winter 2010 (reprinted in Kurier Polski, April 2011).
